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Cola Bear Farms

about us

Dedicated to our late corgi, Cola Bear, who always inspired us to be better people all around.  We’ve always wanted to grow crop and see where we could go with it.  We started with a few veggies here and there, but what really took off were all of our peppers.  We found a few of Cola’s toys buried in the spot we decided to plant our peppers and we knew this was him telling us to go for it!  Cola Bear Farms was born.  We are a family of 4 with 2 dogs, enjoying the journey!  Join us in our pepper adventure!

We currently offer home made hot sauce, with ingredients made from our peppers and other vegetables that we grow.  We also offer pepper bundles.  Do you need a few jalepenos and maybe want to try some Carolina Reeaper?  Then see our Make Your Own Basket option.  We are here to help you get on your own pepper adventure… yes it’s an adventure! We have all different heat levels for you to experiment in your next dish or maybe to make your own hot sauce!

The Porretto Family

We are a high energy family!  We love to create, build, love and put forth positivity into the world.  We love trying new things and enjoy learning from others.  We have two of our own fire crackers, Dylan and Dawson.  Both are artists and creators themselves, always coming up with ways to do the norm differently.  Terrence and I keep each other going with our will to always try something new.  

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